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Online Worker (2Captcha)

Posted by Kamar Pekick on Saturday, 22 April 2017

Story yesterday I again browsing-browse the internet, wrote in his intentions the more searching for the ingredients of a cheap-cheap shirts and penyablonan for him. Because my friends ask me to menyablon the band's label, but with images of type custom alias rarely wearing dikaos t-shirts earlier music with bands clasik rock and heavy metal in the old days in the 80 s/d 90 's.

But why instead of even looking for t-shirts and place open penyablonan service, I even stray and open a link from someone's comment. I am curious on a web named 2captha which he said can make money by just typing in the captcha.

Later I tried to register my email, after my account is active I want to try typing CAPTCHAs, but I have to ditraning first in the captcha typing. In the taining I frequently found questions about the selection of images with different names, such as the select images of the mountain, the River, and others.
Approximately 39 captcha that comes out in the captcha typing training. When not out CAPTCHAs can click is not a captcha on the left, and if it's been typing CAPTCHAs but there is a warning could I'm sure right clicking on the right.

After completion of the training, I try my best to type the captcha, and turns to get the money that is worth a dollar it's not easy and it takes a rather long time. Typing in the captcha, the resulting fee varied, some are paying, 0.35, 0.17. Some even do not pay even though we've typed the captcha.

Maybe my name was curious, yaa continue typing the CAPTCHAs so goes a little by little the accumulation dollarnya.
In the payout can use Webmoney, Payza and others. In the 2captcha drink tertuliskan payout $0.5, but it specifically with online account what we will withdraw.

Yes maybe that's all I can tell you from my nyasaran to the 2captcha, which was his intention diweb I want to find a cheap plain t-shirts-cheap to disablon picture clasik rock bands, rock, heavy metal and others.
For friends who also want to try 2captcha and curious like me, when are there no work or activity. His friends could join here:2Captcha
Perhaps friends who could push the captcha typing than I..

Thanks for reading & sharing Kamar Pekick

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